[1774 copied from originals dating 1698-1774]. COLECCION general de las Rs.. Ceds. y Ords. que hacen el Govierno de los asuntos Fiscales formada pr. el Sr. Dr. Dn. Joses Anto. de Areche del Consejo de S.M. y su Fiscal en la Rl. Auda. de Mexico. Año de 1774. Tomo XIII. Spine Title: REALES CEDU. Y ORDENES TOM.XIII.
737 pages.
Volume 11
The majority of the documents copied in this volume date from 1702 to 1703 and pertain to the state of trade within New Spain and the Spanish Empire. Some respect trade between Mexico and the Philippines, and trade with China. Other letters pertain to the royal audiences in Guadalajara, Guatemala, and the Philippines, as well as presidios in Florida and Puerto Rico.