University of Michigan Bentley Historical Library
The Bentley Historical Library collects the materials for and promotes the study of the histories of two great, intertwined institutions, the State of Michigan and the University of Michigan. The Library is open without fee to the public, and we welcome researchers regardless of academic or professional affiliation.
University of Michigan Special Collections Research Center
In keeping with the University Library’s mission to collect, describe, preserve, and make available the record of human knowledge, the Special Collections Research Center acquires, cares for, interprets, and promotes the use of important collections of unique, rare, primary source, and other material in all formats and in a variety of subject areas.
University of Michigan William L. Clements Library
The William L. Clements Library is a rare book and manuscript repository located on the University of Michigan’s central campus in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Central Michigan University Clarke Historical Library
The Clarke Historical Library collects, preserves, and promotes collections including the history of Michigan and the Old Northwest Territory, the history of Central Michigan University, as well as other topics.
University of Michigan History of Art Visual Resources Collection
The VRC maintains nearly two million images of art. The collection's roots are more than 90 years old and developed as a teaching collection to support University of Michigan faculty and students. Through these online finding aids, we hope to help you connect with our vast resources of images of art, architecture, and artifacts.
Archives of Michigan
The Archives of Michigan is responsible for preserving the records of Michigan government and other public institutions. The collections also include documents, maps, photographs and film from private individuals and organizations.
MLibrary Finding Aids
MLibrary's Finding Aids site provides access to finding aids or descriptive inventories for archival records and manuscript collections not held in the Special Collections Research Center.