Search Results
1667 July 13 . Rob[ert] Long DS; [London, England]
1 page
Box 1
Warrant for issuance to Samuel Pepys (1633-1703) of taxes and money for the use of the "Citty port and Garrison of Tanger." [Gift of Enid Gosling in the name of John Gwynne Gosling and John R. G. Gosling.]
1694 December 7 . William Stoughton LS to Francis Hooke; Boston, Massachusetts.
1 page
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Regarding King William's War: "Forasmuch as there is an Expedition intended for their Majties Service against the Indian Enemy and Rebels within the Eastern parts of this Province, and Advised by the Council, That there be a detachment of a Company of Fifty or Sixty able Souldiers out of the County of Yorke … Pursuant thereto I order that you forthwith List in their Majties Service and under their pay, the above number of men … You are also to draw home the Ten men, which you sent by order into ye Province of New Hampshire for the Enforceing of ye Posts within your County … "
1699 August 7 . Joseph Lord ALS to John Cotton; Dorchester, [South Carolina]
1 page
Box 1
Regarding infant baptism. "For Christ May take Possession of an Infant by his Spirit wn there is no Act of Faith in ye Infant laying hold on Christ in a Promise." Discusses various figures and their positions on the matter. Suspects "our Neighbor Hawks is inclineing to ye Anabaptists." See also Lord to Cotton, September 5, 1699.
1707 . Ms. Cy; s.l.
Box 1
Manuscript copy of the death warrant of William Leddra, the last of four Quakers (including Mary Dyer) executed in Massachusetts Bay colony for their religious beliefs.
1717 June 20 . E[lizabeth Evelyn] Harcourt ALS to Mrs. Evelyn; [Cockthorpe, England?].
3 pages
Box 1
Asks about her mother's health; hopes that the drops have helped. Children have recovered from smallpox, but Lady Price would not let her servant enter the house for fear of infection. Comments on weather and garden.