Oral Histories and Interviews
The Oral Histories and Interviews series is comprised of oral history recordings conducted by Mike Smith and recorded interviews with Warren Petoskey.
The Oral Histories and Interviews series is comprised of oral history recordings conducted by Mike Smith and recorded interviews with Warren Petoskey.
The Website series (303 digital files, 103 MB) was captured through a direct transfer from the One United Michigan website located at http://www.oneunitedmichigan.org/. [Note that some functionality has been lost in the attempt to preserve the website.] The website is divided into sections: Join the Campaign, About Us, Get Involved, Press Room, Resources and Donate. The captured website contains PDF files, newsletters, InfoKits, resolutions and media clips.
The Written Materials series consists of two research articles on language acquisition and implications for identity as well as a 1985 article from the Michigan Daily ("How to Learn a Language") and a nomination letter from Alan Pagliere, a former student and teaching assistant, to the Distinguished Faculty Achievement Awards Committee in support of recognition for Catford.
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