(Q1 - UM 11-yard pass Bob Timberlake (BT) to John Henderson (4:40), UM 10-yard pass BT to Henderson (5:05), OS Paul Brothers 11-yard run (6:04), UM Jim Conley and Bill Laskey sack Brothers 9-yrd loss (6:16), OS 24-yard pass Brothers to Bob Grim (7:10); Q2 - OS 9-yard pass Brothers to Cliff Watkins (8:11) OS TD 15-yard pass Brothers to Doug McDougall (9:03), UM Carl Ward 8 and 10-yard runs (9:41), UM TD Mel Anthony 64-yard run (12:41), UM TD Carl Ward 43-yard run (15:17); Q3 - UM Bill Keating sacks Brothers 11-yard loss (22:20), UM Bruce Mielke blocks OS punt, Anthony recovers on 15-yard line (22:20) UM TD Anthony 1-yard run, BT runs for 2-point conversion (23:46), UM 30-yard pass BT to Jim Detwiler (27:36), UM Ward 11-yard run (26:23) UM TD Anthony 7-yard run (26:49); Q4 - UM BT 9 and 14-yard runs (31:00),[missing footage at 33:31], UM TD BT 24-yard run (33:31), UM Dave Fisher 12-yard run (35:52); piglet running on field (14:49-16:50) half-time Oregon State and UM bands (17:57-19:45))
(Duration: 00:40:26:15)