Disc 1 of 4
(Contains 70 scanned photographs documenting the Hermansville, Michigan area between the 1880s to early 1900s. Photocopies are located in box 49.)
(Contains 70 scanned photographs documenting the Hermansville, Michigan area between the 1880s to early 1900s. Photocopies are located in box 49.)
(Contains 197 scanned aerial photographs of Michigan's Upper Peninsula beginning in the late 1920s and ending in the early 1950s.)
(Contains 1542 scanned photographs documenting the Blaney Park Resort and around Mueller Township, Michigan beginning in the early 1900s and possibly as late as the early 1950s.)
(Contains 2000 scanned photographs documenting the life and the lumber industry in Michigan's Upper Peninsula from the 1880s to the 1970s. There are PDF and XLS files indexing albums A-Q.)
(Contains the Ajpg, Bjpg, and Cjpg folders and their respective content originally located in the subdirectory folder titled AlbumJpgs.)
(Contains the Djpg, EFjpg, Hjpg, Ijpg, Jjpg, Kjpg, MGjpg, and Njpg folders and their respective content originally located in the subdirectory folder titled AlbumJpgs.)
(Contains the Ojpg, Pjpg, PostCardsjpg, Qjpg, Rboxjpg, and Sjpg folders and their respective content originally located in the subdirectory folder titled AlbumJpgs.)
(Contains the Tjpg, Zprotraitsjpg, and Zscenesjpg folders and their respective content originally located in the subdirectory folder titled AlbumJpgs.)
(The physical photographs were originally housed at the Bentley Library, and are now on indefinite loan to the IXL Historical Museum in Hermansville, Michigan. See Digital Materials for digitized photographs.)