Glad Pierce has settled in at Albany "& felt yourself so much at home, amidst the din of the stirring capital of the Empire State." Has been following the state legislature closely, despite its lack of action in its early sessions. Approves of a petition to "prevent the spread of slavery over any territory, which may be acquired of Mexico, by conquest or treaty." Believes the extension of slavery was a motivating factor in the war and without it the war will soon cease. Approves of efforts to allow railroad companies to carry freight past November 1st, believing the high cost of canal travel in the winter is a heavy burden. Dislikes the petition trying to overturn the license law and abolish capital punishment. "This desire can only arise from a morbid philanthropy, a mistaken sympathy for the murderer or it is the entering wedge to a system of innovation designed ultimately to overthrow all government & lead us back into a state of anarchy & barbarism." Explains his reasons for supporting capital punishment, including religious ones.