Search Results
Dr. Martha Krebs Visit, 1994
Box 167
(Folder includes 3 1/2" computer diskette, photographs, and negative)
("National Science and Technology Policy: Beyond Advocacy")
Richard Celeste, 1996-1997
Box 167
(Includes photographs)
("The Role of States in Shaping the Nation's Research Enterprise")
Huggett, Robert J., 1997
Box 167
("Trends in Environmental Research: The Roles of Government and the University")
Dwight T. Pitcaithley, 1996-1998
Box 167
("History in the Public Sense: The National Park Service and Education")
(A YoHA [Year of Humanities and Arts] Event)
Charles Karelis, 1998
Box 167
("How Research on Innovative Projects can Stimulate Educational Change")
David Hamburg, 1997-1998
Box 167
("Preventing Deadly Conflict: The Role of the Scientific Community")