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[Side 2]
mp3 file
(Recording of phone conversation with Frank Bach about being harassed by a Mrs. Harris and a missing person named Bonnie. Rest of the interview is about music performances and someone named Douglas.)
David Sinclair Human Rights Party primary speech at Couzens Hall, University of Michigan, et al.; (Unit II, no. 24b), 1972 December 24, 1973 February 16, 1973 December 28
Audio Cassette, Compact Cassette, 1 7/8 ips
Box 28c
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mp3 file
(1972 December 24; Recorded phone conversation between David Sinclair and a representative of the Rainbow Student Union. Recording of news broadcast about marijuana prison terms, Pun Plamondon arrest, John Sinclair interviewed on the news on Channel 6. Concludes with radio broadcast and music.)
Interview with members of Radio King and His Court of Rhythm (R&B band); (Unit II, no. 25), 1973 February
Audio Cassette, Compact Cassette, 1 7/8 ips
Box 28c
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mp3 file
(Interview with members of Radio King and His Court of Rhythm on the group's origins and experiences.)
[Side 2]
mp3 file
(Interview with members of Radio King and His Court of Rhythm on the group's origins and experiences.)
David Sinclair Candidacy statement at Markley Hall; et. al.; (Unit II, no. 26), 1973 February 11-12
Audio Cassette, Compact Cassette, 1 7/8 ips
Box 28c
[Side 1]
mp3 file
(David Sinclair candidacy statement at Lightnin' concert (Markley Hall, University of Michigan), unidentified telephone conversation with high school student regarding banning of Sun at his school.)