GOP Hotline: Senators John Toepp (Cadillac) and Jack Welborn (Kalamazoo) comment on the Senate's override of the Governor's veto of the administrative rules bill, 1977 September 20
Audio Reel-to-Reel, 5 inch, 7 1/2 ips
Audio Reel-to-Reel, 5 inch, 7 1/2 ips
33.7 linear feet
This series of political materials contains documents transferred by Nancy Harrison, the Director of the Operations Division, arranged by campaign or project, roughly chronologically. Some campaign records received from the External (Public) Affairs office are also consolidated here. Researchers interested in George W. Bush's 2000 campaign in Michigan should consult the "Executive Office--Governor's Own Office--George W. Bush Presidential Campaign" subseries.
Audio Reel-to-Reel, 7 inch, 15
This series consolidates all of the digital materials found within the collection and include spreadsheets, digital photographs and text documents.
The "Website Archive" subseries (2,686 digital records, 11.58 MB) 1991-2001, consists of two subseries Executive Orders and Press Releases and Executive Appointments. The Executive Order subseries, 1991-2001, is organized by executive order number, date issued, and topic. Access to the digital records are first by year and then by order number or topic.
The Press Releases and Executive Appointments, 1995-2000, are arranged by month and year. Press Releases are accessed by the title of the press release. For example, in 1998 one press release includes Governor Engler Announces Expansion of Project Zero. The original date of the release is included on every press release. The arrangement of the Executive Office Appointments is similar to the Press Releases. Access is first by year ant then by the title of the announcement. For example, in the directory for the year 2000 one appointment includes, Governor Engler Appoints Wheatley as Director of Michigan Unemployment Agency.
"Digital Photographs of Presentation Materials" s contains images of a sampling of large format posters and presentation materials which Engler used during press conferences and speaking events. A researcher interested in these materials should also consult the videotapes of the press events, which illustrate how Engler employed the materials during his talks.
(Contains databases of invitations, including contact information, for John Engler's governor inaguation.)