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National High School Orchestra, 1926-1930, 1938
15 prints
(includes photos with President Hoover and Senator Vandenberg)
Visual Materials: Glass slides
The Glass Slides (3), circa 1923-1931, consist of some 182 mainly colored images on 4x5 plates. A short name and subject index serves as an introduction for researchers. Over half the slides show scenes from the Camp, circa 1928-1931, plus some of the National High School Orchestra. The remainder concern music education in general. Until Maddy switched to movies, he probably used them in his Camp and music education lectures. Since the U. of M. Extension Service sponsored many of his talks, researchers may find information about them in Subject Maddy "University of Michigan." The slides housed in two slide boxes (boxes 76 and 77) and arranged by slide number. In this finding aid the slides have grouped by broad subject categories and then alphabetically by title or description.