[Site Plan], untitled
One pencil and red pencil drawing on vellum, 13x24-1/4 inches, and one electrostatic print with green and brown pencil coloring, 8-1/2x11 inches
One pencil and red pencil drawing on vellum, 13x24-1/4 inches, and one electrostatic print with green and brown pencil coloring, 8-1/2x11 inches
Red ink sketches on white spiral notebook paper, 8-1/2x11 inches
Black, blue, green and red ink sketches on ten sheets of tracing paper, 12x13-1/4 to 18x25 inches, one initialed and dated 1/27/86
Red ink sketches on the reverse of two sheets of electrostatic print paper, one with notations, 8-1/2x11 inches
Colored ink and crayon drawings on two black-line prints, 11x24 & 12x36-3/4 inches
Pencil and crayon drawing and sketch on vellum, initialed, 12x25-1/4 inches
17x11 inches