Student Honorary Medical Society at the University of Michigan Medical School, conducts annual "Tag Day" fund-raising campaign in support of its charitable activities and produces the Smoker, an annual musical parody produced and performed by medical students; papers include minutes and other organizational records, historical sketches of the organization, photographs documenting the founding and growth of the society and audio-visual recordings of Galens Smoker
This Galens Medical Society record group documents the activities, goals, and membership of the organization from 1914 to 2011. It reveals the changing purpose and membership of the society, its traditional social functions, and its contributions to the medical school, university hospital, and Washtenaw County groups that benefit children. The record group is arranged in nine series: Minutes, Officers' Records and Reports, Activities and Funds, Histories and Constitutions, Membership, Audio-Visual Material, Funds, Service Activities, and Smoker.