Search Results
(of environmentally sound storm water management practices, courtesy of Peter Pollack Design)
Demographics, Michigan Legislation, and Environmental Inequity
37 folders
(Includes demographic data for Grand Rapids and Hamtramck, Biomonitoring legislation, Legislation associated with Gary Peters, Environmental justice and inequity materials, fact sheets, and information on medical waste.)
Mercury, Medical Waste, and Henry Ford materials
24 folders
(Includes materials on mercury policies in various states and cities; ARGIM lawsuit v DOW materials; sharps injuries among nurses; medical waste incinerators; and policy materials from Hamtramck and Livonia.)
Chemical Waste, FOIA requests, and DOW Chemical materials
25 folders
(Includes materials concerning DOW Chemical; Dioxin surveys conducted by the University of Michigan; FOIA requests for information held by the University of Michigan; green chemistry; and other materials related to chemical waste.)
Printed Materials and Publicity
The Printed Materials and Publicity series is comprised of newsletters, newspaper clippings, pamphlets, collected bound materials, and works published by the Ecology Center. The extensive newspaper clippings are arranged chronologically. There are also clippings scattered throughout the topical files. The three newsletters included in this collection are subject-specific and are issued on an irregular basis. Collected bound materials pertain to events and solid waste management, such as the Remedial Action Plan for the City of Ann Arbor Landfill. Other printed materials include works published by the Ecology Center, such as the Footloose in Washtenaw walking guide and Ann Arbor Alive.
There is significant overlap between the Administrative Files series and the Printed Materials and Publicity series. Researchers are encouraged to review both series when looking for materials by and about Ecology Center initiative and activities.