David V. Tinder Collection of Michigan Photography, ca. 1845-1980
Approximately 113,000 photographs and 158 volumes
Approximately 113,000 photographs and 158 volumes
The David V. Tinder Collection of Michigan Photography cased images series consists of 132 cased photographs (primarily daguerreotypes, ambrotypes, and tintypes), the majority of which were produced by 25 photographers mainly based in Michigan between 1845 and 1950. The vast majority of these images are studio portraits depicting 19th-century men, women, and children from middle and upper class backgrounds in formal individual and/or group portraits. The series includes 65 daguerreotypes, 38 ambrotypes, 28 tintypes and 1 snapshot. There are approximately 42 images where the subjects have been identified but not the photographers, 54 images where the photographers have been identified but not the subjects, 17 images where both the photographers and subjects have been identified as well as 18 images where neither the photographers nor subjects have been identified. All items in this series have been individually cataloged. Item-specific catalog records with more in-depth information as well as links to digital versions of these materials are accessible through University of Michigan Library Search. For best results, keyword search specific photographer names and/or subject names.