Computer Files
The Computer Files series is comprised of digital material containing administrative documents, run data from MTS, and additional materials. The series also includes sample printouts.
The Computer Files series is comprised of digital material containing administrative documents, run data from MTS, and additional materials. The series also includes sample printouts.
The MTS series contains digital surrogates (in PDF format) of documents already held at the Bentley Library as well as source code and documentation of the six full and the ten partial MTS distributions (and two redistributions) created between 1968 and 1988. The distribution documentation covers versions 1.0 to 6.0; distributions 1.0 through 3.1 supported the IBM S/360 Model 67, distribution 3.2 supported both the IBM S/360-67 and the IBM S/370 architecture, and distributions D3.3 through D6.0 supported just the IBM S/370 architecture and its extensions. The D6.0 distribution materials are suitable for the creation of an IPLable version of MTS based upon the version that was in use at the University of Michigan in 1996 shortly before MTS was shutdown. These files are accompanied by a labeled tape (lbltp) program that may be used to read and decode the MTS source code on Windows, Mac OS, and Unix computers. The scanned documents in the series include Computing Center memos, reference documents, MTS user manuals, and internal system documentation (used by system programmers).
The Archived Website series consists of a web captures of a Michigan Terminal System Archive website created by Jeff Ogden and administered by former computing center employees Ogden, Gavin Eadie, and Mike Alexander. The site includes news and information related to MTS and related projects. Starting in 2011, versions of this website will be captured on a regular, ongoing basis as part of the University of Michigan Web Archives, hosted at