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Biological Studies
The Biological Studies subseries consists primarily of field and laboratory data from algae, benthos, and plankton studies. The Algae Counts record the level of algae present in samples from fixed reference stations. The Benthos Counts and Benthos Statistics record the presence of organisms living on or in the lake bottom. The Benthos Counts are time-series data recording the presence of eight principal organisms at individual observation stations or from research vessel voyages. They are arranged by date and observation point. The Benthos Statistics aggregate the Count data by type of organism. The Benthos Summaries and Benthos Weights provide some analysis of the counts and statistics. The Phytoplankton and Zooplankton files provide data and some analysis of the type of plankton present in lake water samples. The Biological Log Sheets provide a chronological record of the time, location, and conditions under which the samples for biological analysis were taken.