"Monthly Statistical Account of Parkhill Estate, St. Vincent from 1st June to 1st July 1832," sent to McDowall at Edinburgh. Lists information on the "Black" population, totaling 232, and the "White" population consisting of Ramsay and Cameron. "Disposal of Population" lists numbers and their current occupations, those in the hospital, invalid, or exempted, "having 6 children." Notes one birth, three pregnant women, and two "Conductors and Nurses." Provides details on livestock, crops, and production of sugar, rum, and molasses. Ramsay produced the report, "there being no other white person upon the Estate at the time." Cameron needed instructions on field laborers and nurses. He provided corn meal to the "little people in the vine Gang... to add to the comforts of their parents who complain of being scarce of wholesome food." Received a circular from the "Medical Gentleman appointed by the Board of Health for this Parish" about preventing cholera. See also Geo[rge] Rickard and Alex McBarnet, partially printed DS to Allan Macdowall, August 1, 1830.