The Publicity Materials series is divided into five subseries: News Clippings/Press Releases, Posters, Flyers, Programs, Awards/Honors, Interviews, and Events/Speeches.
The News Clippings/Press Releases mostly consist of articles about Cope or publications featuring his reviews or poems. However, there are also clippings saved by or sent to Cope relating to other people or topics, notably the death of Allen Ginsberg. Press releases detailing his publications are also included.
The Posters, Flyers, Programs subseries includes publicity announcements, broadsides, and conference materials that either Cope attended, presented at, or promoted.
The Awards/Honors subseries consists mostly of includes materials on the Dyer-Ives Foundation Poetry Contest, Grand Rapids Community College's recognition of David Cope's years of service, and Cope's responsibilities as Grand Rapids Poet Laureate. The Dyer-Ives Poetry Contest materials include participant poems and biographies, meeting notes, correspondence, and promotional materials. The Grand Rapids Poet Laureate files involve David Cope's responsibilities as Grand Rapids Poet Laureate. They consist of correspondence, meeting notes, grant application information, reports, and budget information.
The Interviews subseries includes drafts, transcripts and correspondence relating to interviews of David Cope by a variety of interviewers. The Events/Speeches subseries consists of materials relating to events, readings, conferences and programs attended by David Cope, most of which were related to poetry and teaching.