- University of Michigan. Opportunity Program.2
- University of Michigan. Provost and Executive Vice-President for Academic Affairs.2
- University of Michigan. Provost's Task Force on the Campus Climate for Transgender, Bisexual, Lesbian, and Gay Faculty, Staff, and Students.1
- University of Michigan. Residential College.2
- University of Michigan. School of Art.2
- University of Michigan. School of Business Administration.2
- University of Michigan. School of Dentistry.2
- University of Michigan. School of Education.2
- University of Michigan. School of Information and Library Studies.2
- University of Michigan. School of Music.2
- University of Michigan. School of Natural Resources.2
- University of Michigan. School of Nursing.2
- University of Michigan. School of Public Health.2
- University of Michigan. School of Social Work.2
- University of Michigan. Scientific Club.1
- University of Michigan. Senate.2
- University of Michigan. University Committee on the Use and Care of Animals.1
- University of Michigan. University Hospital.2
- University of Michigan. Vice-President and Chief Financial Officer.2
- University of Michigan. Vice-President for Academic Affairs.2